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El parametro project_id\" es requerido.

Hi, I am getting the following error when creating an order for cash payment:
"line_items": [
"unit_price": 2004,
"name": "xxxx",
"quantity": 1
"currency": "MXN",
"customer_info": {
"name": "heru",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "18122671324"
"charges": [
"payment_method": {
"type": "oxxo_cash",
"expires_at": 1656578950


"details": [
"debug_message": "The "line_items at index 0 attribute antifraud_info attribute project_id" is missing.",
"message": "El parametro project_id" es requerido.",
"param": "line_items.0.antifraud_info.project_id",
"code": "conekta.errors.parameter_validation.line_items.antifraud_info.project_id.missing"
"debug_message": "The "line_items at index 0 attribute antifraud_info attribute starts_at" is missing.",
"message": "El parametro starts_at" es requerido.",
"param": "line_items.0.antifraud_info.starts_at",
"code": "conekta.errors.parameter_validation.line_items.antifraud_info.starts_at.missing"
"object": "error",
"type": "parameter_validation_error",
"log_id": "62a84c3514c6921ddc140edb"

Please tell me what the parameters antifraud_info, project_id, starts_at are and what should I pass.
If there is detailed documentation for this parameter, please send me. thanks